Agile is a trendy methodology for developing software that prioritizes flexibility, collaboration, and delivering working software frequently. It's become the go-to approach for tech companies that want to move fast and break things, even if it means sacrificing thorough planning and documentation.
In the daily stand-up meeting, the scrum master reminded everyone to "be more agile" and ignore those pesky bugs until the next sprint.
The startup's CEO proudly declared they were using "agile methodologies," though nobody was quite sure what that meant beyond having a Kanban board and eating pizza during late-night coding sessions.
The New Methodology: This article explores the rise of agile methodologies as an alternative to traditional, plan-driven software development. It discusses the key principles and practices of agile and how they prioritize adaptability and people over processes.
Agile Software Guide: This guide provides an overview of agile software development, tracing its evolution from a niche approach to mainstream adoption. It explains the core essence of agile thinking and how it differs from traditional engineering practices.
The Agile Fluency Model: As agile gained popularity, some organizations struggled to realize its benefits. This article introduces the Agile Fluency model, which describes four zones of fluency that teams can progress through to become more proficient in agile techniques, along with the benefits, skills, and metrics associated with each zone.
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