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Akin Olugbade

Product Manager, Statsig

šŸ§² Group-by in Retention Analysis

Weā€™ve added group-by functionality to retention charts, enabling you to break down your retention analysis by various properties and gain deeper insights into user behavior. This feature allows you to segment your retention data across event properties, user properties, feature gate groups, and experiment variants.

Group-By in retention charts is available for:

  • Event and User Properties: Break down retention based on event and user properties such as location, company or different context about an event or feature..

  • Feature Gate Groups: Understand retention among different user groups gated by feature flags.

  • Experiment Variants: Compare retention across experiment groups to see how different variants impact user retention.

Expanded support for group-by in retention charts is rolling out today.

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Akin Olugbade

Product Manager, Statsig

šŸ‘Æ Cohort Analysis Now Available Across All Chart Types

Cohort analysis is now supported across all chart types in Metrics Explorer. Previously available only in drilldown charts, this feature allows you to filter your analysis to specific user cohorts or compare how different groups perform against various metrics.

Filtering to an interesting cohort is supported across all chart types and can be accomplished by adding a single cohort to your analysis. Cohort comparison is available in metric drilldown, funnel, and retention charts and can be accomplished by adding multiple cohorts to your analysis.

Whatā€™s New

  • Expanded Support: Cohort filtering is now integrated into funnels, retention charts, user journeys, and distribution charts.

  • Detailed Comparisons: You can compare how different cohorts, such as casual users and power users, navigate through funnels like the add-to-cart flow.

  • Focused Analysis: Easily scope your analysis to understand how specific user groups perform, helping you identify patterns and behaviors unique to each cohort.

Expanded support for cohort analysis will begin rolling out today.

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Akin Olugbade

Product Manager, Statsig

šŸ“Š Cohort Analysis in Funnels

We have introduced Cohort Analysis to our funnel feature, allowing you to filter your funnel analysis to specific cohorts or compare how different cohorts progress through the same funnel.

Filter Funnels by Cohort

You can now focus your funnel analysis on specific user cohorts. This means you can examine how particular groupsā€”like new users, users from a specific marketing campaign, or users who have completed a certain actionā€”navigate through your funnels. Filtering by cohort helps you identify unique behaviors and patterns within these groups, enabling you to tailor your strategies to improve their experience.

Compare Conversion Across Cohorts

In addition to filtering, you can compare how different cohorts convert across the same funnel. This comparative view lets you see how various segments of your user base perform relative to each other. For example, you might compare first-time users to returning users, users from different geographic regions, or users acquired during different time periods. Understanding these differences can inform targeted improvements and highlight areas where certain cohorts may need additional support.

Cohorts in Funnels

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Akin Olugbade

Product Manager, Statsig

šŸ”— Improved Segment Integration

Weā€™ve updated how Statsig processes events received from Segment to help you gain deeper insights without additional effort on your part. Now, when you send events from Segment into Statsig, we automatically extract and include extra properties such as UTM parameters, referrer information, and page details like URL, title, search parameters, and path.

By leveraging data youā€™re already collecting with Segment, you can:

  • Gain More Value Without Extra Work: Utilize the enriched data immediately, increasing the context available for your analysis without any additional implementation.

  • Analyze Marketing Campaigns More Effectively: Filter events by specific UTM parameters to assess which marketing campaigns drive the most engagement or conversions.

  • Understand User Acquisition Channels: Use referrer information to see where your users are coming from, helping you optimize outreach and partnerships.

  • Dive Deeper into User Behavior: Examine page-level details to understand how users interact with different parts of your site or app, allowing you to identify areas that perform well or need improvement.

These improvements make it easier to perform detailed analyses in Metrics Explorer, enabling you to make informed decisions based on comprehensive event dataā€”all from the data youā€™re already sending through Segment.

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Akin Olugbade

Product Manager, Statsig

ā±ļø 2x Funnel Performance Improvements

Funnels in Metrics Explorer now complete in half the time. This improvement reduces wait times, allowing you to spend less time waiting and more time analyzing your data. With faster results, you can iterate more quickly, explore user behaviors efficiently, and make timely, data-driven decisions.

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Akin Olugbade

Product Manager, Statsig

šŸŖœFunnels Now Support Up to 15 Steps

Weā€™ve tripled the maximum number of steps allowed in funnels from 5 to 15. This change allows you to build more detailed funnels that capture longer and more complex user journeys. With up to 15 steps, you can analyze extended sequences of user actions, gain deeper insights into user behavior, and identify opportunities to optimize each stage of your funnel.

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Shubham Singhal

Product Manager, Statsig

Introducing Cross-Environment Feature Gate View

We're excited to announce a powerful new addition to Statsig's feature management capabilities: the Cross-Environment Feature Gate View. This new view provides DevOps teams, SREs, and Release Managers with unprecedented visibility into feature gate states across all environments from a single, unified interface.


What's new

  • Comprehensive grid view showing all feature gates and their states across Dev, Staging, and Production environments

  • At-a-glance status indicators and gate checks for quick state verification

Key benefits

  • Simplified Operations: Eliminate the need to navigate between different environments to check gate states

  • Enhanced Release Management: Quickly verify feature gate configurations across your deployment pipeline

  • Improved Collaboration: Give platform teams and operations staff the high-level view they need for effective feature management

  • Risk Reduction: Easily spot inconsistencies in gate states across environments before they issue becomes significant

You can turn this view on by clicking on the top-right toggle in the feature gates list page. Ready to get started? Let us know if you have any feedback on this feature for us.

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Shubham Singhal

Product Manager, Statsig

šŸ“£ Important Announcement šŸ“£

Weā€™re reaching out to give you a heads-up about an important change we are making to the auto-generated event_dau metric for Cloud customers in the Statsig Console.

Note: Customers on Statsig Warehouse Native will not be impacted.

In two weeks, from Wednesday, October 16 2024 onwards we plan to stop auto-generating new event_dau metrics for incoming events in Statsig. We will continue to auto-generate an event_count metric for each logged event as we do today.

  • Any existing event_dau metrics that have been used in a gate, experiment, dashboard, or other Custom Metrics will NOT be affected by this change.

  • Existing event_dau metrics that have been archived or not been used in another config will NO longer exist in the project. See ā€˜Next stepsā€™ below if you want to retain the unused metrics.

  • Going forward, new event_dau metrics will need to be created manually as a Custom Metric. See this guide to learn how to create a DAU metric.

We will be making this change on October 16, 2024. If you have any questions or concerns, please donā€™t hesitate to reach out!

More Context on This Change

Historically, we have automatically generated an event_count and event_dau metric for every incoming event into Statsig. After working closely with hundreds of customers, we have seen that auto generating two metrics for every event leads to confusion and clutter inside Statsig projects. The proposed change will lead to cleaner Metrics Catalog and faster Console performance, while still retaining your ability to create event_dau metrics for the events you care about most.

Next Steps

If you wish to keep any unused event_dau metrics going forward, you can earmark that metric by performing any of the below actions:

  • Adding a Tag (RECOMMENDED)

  • Adding a description

  • Referencing in a gate/experiment/dashboard

These actions will mark your unused metric as active, signaling us that you donā€™t want them to be deprecated.

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Vineeth Madhusudanan

Product Manager, Statsig

Time to Complete Metrics on WHN

Funnels are a first-class citizen on Statsig WHN Experimentation. You can specify order, conversion windows, sessions, and more to build a clear picture of user journeys in your product. Now, you can also use funnels to measure ā€œtime to completeā€ a funnel in experiments.

These metrics, alongside the funnel completion rate, give a much richer view into whatā€™s going on with users. For example - success rate didnā€™t change, but did your changes make your signup flow faster, or slower?

This is a valuable view for anyone who has a series of actions they care about their end users being able to do in a timely fashion - and itā€™s available to all Statsig Warehouse Native users today!

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Vineeth Madhusudanan

Product Manager, Statsig

Funnels++ on WHN Experiments

Funnel metrics are one of the most popular metric types in product analytics. They are especially helpful to measure user journeys through a series of steps. For example, if you want to measure user conversion through a subscription flow, e.g. Start ā†’ Description Page ā†’ Payment Info ā†’ Confirm; or identify pain points in a registration flow, e.g. Welcome Page ā†’ Ask for Phone Number/Email ā†’ Authentication ā†’ Logged-in Page.

Statsig has had powerful funnels you can analyze for experiment impact in Warehouse Native for a while now, including session-level funnel metrics. Now, weā€™re rolling out even more enhancements. These include:

  • Configurable completion windows per-step, i.e. how long this step can take to occur after the previous step

  • Treating the ā€œexposureā€ of the experiment as the implicit start event of the funnel, meaning your reported funnel conversion rate maps to the actual rate at which people finished them in your experiment

  • Built-in allowance for timestamp noise, which is useful to mitigate deviations in logging; this includes control over comparison type, and a configurable grace period for clock jitter

For more information about this feature, you can check the documentation. These features are available to all Statsig Warehouse Native users today.


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At Notion, we're continuously learning what our users value and want every team to run experiments to learn more. Itā€™s also critical to maintain speed as a habit. Statsig's experimentation platform enables both this speed and learning for us.
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Data Science Manager
We evaluated Optimizely, LaunchDarkly, Split, and Eppo, but ultimately selected Statsig due to its comprehensive end-to-end integration. We wanted a complete solution rather than a partial one, including everything from the stats engine to data ingestion.
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We only had so many analysts. Statsig provided the necessary tools to remove the bottleneck. I know that we are able to impact our key business metrics in a positive way with Statsig. We are definitely heading in the right direction with Statsig.
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