Apache is a popular open-source software foundation that provides support for a wide variety of projects used by millions of websites worldwide. From web servers to big data processing frameworks, Apache's projects power much of the internet as we know it today - all while managing to avoid the venture capital fueled hype train.
Did you hear about that new startup trying to "disrupt" backend infrastructure? I'll stick with boring ol' reliable Apache, thanks.
I swear, half the resumes I see these days just list Apache projects - Hadoop, Kafka, Spark... does anyone actually know how to code or do they just stack buzzwords?
Apache Samza is an open-source framework designed for processing high-volume event streams, with a focus on high throughput and operational robustness at massive scales.
The Apache Software Foundation is the non-profit organization behind over 350 open source projects and initiatives, including the ubiquitous Apache HTTP Server that powers much of the web.
This Quora thread provides a good overview of some of the Apache Software Foundation's most widely used projects, from Hadoop to Tomcat.
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