Autoloader is a software design pattern that automatically loads classes and interfaces on-demand, eliminating the need for manual inclusion of dependencies. It's a common feature in modern web frameworks like Laravel and Ruby on Rails, because ain't nobody got time for that require
"I'm so glad our new PHP framework has an autoloader. It's like having a personal assistant that brings me my code files whenever I need them, without me even asking. Such a time-saver!"
"Man, debugging this legacy Java app is a nightmare. There's no autoloader, so I have to manually track down and include every single class file. It's like being lost in a maze of dependencies, with no map or GPS. FML."
PSR-4 Autoloading Standard: This PHP Standards Recommendation document explains the whys and hows of autoloading in PHP. It's like a rulebook for making your code play nice with others.
Ruby on Rails Autoloading: This Rails guide dives into the magic behind Ruby's autoloading system. It's like a behind-the-scenes tour of a code factory.
Python Modules and Packages: While not strictly about autoloading, this Python tutorial explains how to organize your code into modules and packages, which is kind of like autoloading's more organized cousin.
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