Automation testing

Automation testing is the process of using software to execute pre-scripted tests on a system, comparing actual results to expected results to identify issues. It's a critical component of modern software development, enabling teams to deliver high-quality software faster by catching bugs early and often.

How to use it in a sentence

  • As the deadline approached, the engineering manager grew increasingly frustrated with the lack of automation testing, knowing it would lead to a flood of customer complaints when the buggy code inevitably shipped.

  • The tech lead couldn't help but roll her eyes as the new hire enthusiastically suggested writing automation testing for the legacy codebase, clearly unaware of the spaghetti code and technical debt that made it nearly impossible.

If you actually want to learn more...

  • The Different Types of Tests for Automation Testing - This article dives into the various types of automation testing, from unit tests to end-to-end tests, explaining when and why you might use each one. A must-read for anyone looking to level up their testing game.

  • Best Practices for Automation Testing - Learn the do's and don'ts of automation testing in this comprehensive guide, covering everything from test case design to maintenance and reporting. Follow these best practices to avoid common pitfalls and ensure your tests are effective and efficient.

  • Automation Testing Tools Comparison - With so many automation testing tools out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your project. This article compares popular options like Selenium, Appium, and Cypress, helping you make an informed decision based on your specific needs and tech stack.

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