Babel is a JavaScript compiler that allows developers to use the latest ECMAScript features and syntax, even if their target environment doesn't support them natively. It's like having a time machine that lets you write code from the future and run it in the present, without worrying about browser compatibility or waiting for the latest Node.js release.
"I was going to use the new optional chaining operator, but then I remembered we're still stuck on IE11, so I guess I'll just run it through Babel and call it a day."
"Sure, we could rewrite the entire codebase in TypeScript, or we could just sprinkle some type annotations on top and let Babel handle the rest. Your call, boss."
Hello Antlr: Martin Fowler provides a simple introduction to using ANTLR, another popular parser generator, with a "hello world" style grammar.
Bel: Paul Graham introduces Bel, a new dialect of Lisp that is written in itself, similar to how Lisp originally began. The article includes a guide to the Bel language and its source code.
Parser Generators: This tag on Martin Fowler's blog aggregates several articles exploring different parser generator tools, such as ANTLR, SableCC, and Racc, which can be useful for creating domain-specific languages.
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