
Byte is the fundamental unit of digital information in computing, consisting of 8 bits. It's like the atom of the digital world, except instead of protons and neutrons, it's just a bunch of ones and zeros that somehow make your favorite cat videos possible.

How to use it in a sentence

  • I tried to download that 4K video on my dial-up connection, but it's taking forever since it's like a gajillion bytes.

  • Bob kept bragging about how many bytes of RAM his new gaming rig has, as if anyone cares about his Crysis framerates anymore.

If you actually want to learn more...

  • Syntactic Noise - This article dives into the concept of syntactic noise in computer languages, particularly in Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs), and how extraneous characters can obscure a program's intention.

  • Domain Specific Language - Learn about Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) and how they are targeted at specific types of problems rather than being general-purpose, a concept that has been used since the early days of computing.

  • Revenge of the Nerds - Discover how leveraging the most powerful programming languages and taking on challenging problems can provide a competitive edge in the software industry, as exemplified by ITA's success.

Note: the Developer Dictionary is in Beta. Please direct feedback to

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At OpenAI, we want to iterate as fast as possible. Statsig enables us to grow, scale, and learn efficiently. Integrating experimentation with product analytics and feature flagging has been crucial for quickly understanding and addressing our users' top priorities.
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Brex's mission is to help businesses move fast. Statsig is now helping our engineers move fast. It has been a game changer to automate the manual lift typical to running experiments and has helped product teams ship the right features to their users quickly.
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At Notion, we're continuously learning what our users value and want every team to run experiments to learn more. It’s also critical to maintain speed as a habit. Statsig's experimentation platform enables both this speed and learning for us.
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Data Science Manager
We evaluated Optimizely, LaunchDarkly, Split, and Eppo, but ultimately selected Statsig due to its comprehensive end-to-end integration. We wanted a complete solution rather than a partial one, including everything from the stats engine to data ingestion.
Don Browning
SVP, Data & Platform Engineering
We only had so many analysts. Statsig provided the necessary tools to remove the bottleneck. I know that we are able to impact our key business metrics in a positive way with Statsig. We are definitely heading in the right direction with Statsig.
Partha Sarathi
Director of Engineering
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