Cloud computing is just a fancy way of saying "someone else's computer." It's like renting a bunch of servers and storage from Amazon or Google so you don't have to buy and maintain your own hardware.
"We need to migrate our monolithic app to cloud computing so we can 'scale' and be 'web-scale'...whatever that means."
"I don't always use cloud computing, but when I do, I prefer to pay way more than just buying my own servers. Stay thirsty, my friends."
Martin Fowler provides an overview of cloud computing and its essential characteristics, service models, and deployment models based on the NIST definition. Read more at
Fowler discusses the challenges and trade-offs of avoiding cloud computing platform lock-in, exploring strategies like using open-source solutions and separating deployment automation from application run-time. Check it out at
For a deeper dive into cloud computing application architecture, Fowler covers topics like GUI architectures, presentation logic organization, evolutionary architectures, and more. Browse the collection at
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