Constant is a value that cannot be altered by the program during normal execution - it remains constant. Constants are useful for representing values that should not be changed, like mathematical constants such as PI or e, or for representing fixed values like the number of days in a week.
"I'm not sure why the marketing team is insisting on using constants for the pricing values in the e-commerce system - don't they know that prices fluctuate more often than Mark Zuckerberg changes his mind about the metaverse?"
"I tried to explain to the junior developer that we should use constants for the configuration settings, but he kept arguing that 'magic numbers' sprinkled throughout the codebase were more 'agile' - I think he's been reading too much Hacker News again."
Do More With Less Time – The Compounding Power of Time-Saving Tools: This article explains how investing in tools and skills that increase iteration speed, like faster compilers and continuous deployment, can have compounding returns on productivity over time.
Superlinear Returns: Paul Graham discusses how certain endeavors, like learning and discovery, can lead to superlinear (i.e. exponential) returns due to the compounding nature of knowledge growth and the ability to be first to market in new fields.
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