Coroutine is a function that can suspend execution to be resumed later, enabling cooperative multitasking without the need for threads or processes. Coroutines are like generators on steroids, allowing multiple entry points for suspending and resuming execution, making them ideal for writing asynchronous code that looks synchronous, kind of like how Facebook makes their code look simple but it's actually a tangled mess under the hood.
"I was trying to debug this gnarly race condition, but then I realized I could just use a coroutine to make the whole thing cooperatively multitask smoother than a Silicon Valley startup's pitch deck."
"So, the PM was all like 'we need this feature yesterday' and I was like 'no worries, I'll just slap a coroutine in there and it'll be done faster than you can say 'move fast and break things'!'"
Unlimited Environments: The Frontend Cloud lets you spin up unlimited deployment environments for different types of work, each with its own .env file. It's like having a whole data center at your fingertips without the soul-crushing responsibility. Read more
Decouple Deploy from Release: In the Frontend Cloud, deploys are for testing and releases are for customers. It's like having a staging environment for every little change, without the ops team breathing down your neck. Read more
Monorepos: Monorepos are like a giant shared code garage where every team parks their projects, making collaboration and code reuse as easy as borrowing your neighbor's tools. Tools like Turborepo make monorepos accessible to everyone, not just the FAANG overlords. Read more
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