Currying is a functional programming technique that transforms a function taking multiple arguments into a sequence of functions, each taking a single argument. It's named after mathematician Haskell Curry, not the spicy dish, although both can add some kick to your code.
I was trying to impress the new hire by currying a function at the whiteboard, but I got lost in my own cleverness and had to Google the syntax.
When the CTO asked me to explain currying at the all-hands meeting, I mumbled something about partial application and then changed the subject to microservices.
Real-time full-text search with Luwak and Samza - While not directly about currying, this article discusses optimizing queries using techniques like indexing and decomposition, which pair well with functional concepts.
Collection Pipeline - This piece explores manipulating collections using set operations and building pipelines in Ruby and Clojure. Currying can be a useful tool when constructing these types of data processing flows.
Currying in JavaScript - For a more practical dive into how currying works and how to implement it in JavaScript, check out this tutorial with code examples.
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