Data dictionary

Data dictionary is a centralized repository of information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format. It's a crucial tool for understanding and managing the data in a system, but creating and maintaining it is about as fun as reading the dictionary.

How to use it in a sentence

  • I'd love to help you figure out what that data means, but I'm too busy updating the data dictionary to keep up with all the random new attributes the biz folks keep coming up with.

  • Our startup's data dictionary is just a bunch of Post-It notes scattered across the CEO's desk - I'm sure that'll scale well as we grow to millions of users.

If you actually want to learn more...

  • What is a Data Dictionary? - This article provides a comprehensive overview of data dictionaries, including their purpose, benefits, and key components. It also discusses best practices for creating and maintaining a data dictionary.

  • Why You Need a Data Dictionary - This blog post dives into the importance of having a well-maintained data dictionary, especially in the context of data governance and compliance. It highlights how a data dictionary can improve data quality, reduce data-related risks, and facilitate better decision-making.

  • Implementing a Data Dictionary: Best Practices - For those ready to take the plunge and create a data dictionary, this article offers practical advice and best practices. It covers topics such as choosing the right tools, defining data standards, and involving stakeholders in the process.

Note: the Developer Dictionary is in Beta. Please direct feedback to

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