Deep learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn from vast amounts of data, enabling computers to perform complex tasks like image recognition and natural language processing. While traditional machine learning relies on human-engineered features, deep learning automatically discovers the representations needed for detection or classification, making it well-suited for tackling the most challenging AI problems, like those faced by tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and OpenAI.

How to use it in a sentence

  • During the daily stand-up, the lead developer mentioned that they're exploring deep learning techniques to improve the chatbot's ability to understand and respond to customer queries, prompting eye rolls from the team who just wants to ship the MVP and move on to the next project.

  • The startup's CEO, fresh out of Y Combinator, boldly claimed that their new app uses cutting-edge deep learning to disrupt the industry, but the senior engineers knew it was just a glorified linear regression model.

If you actually want to learn more...

  • Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning: Understand the Differences - This IBM article breaks down the differences between deep learning, machine learning, and neural networks, perfect for when you need to sound smart in front of your non-technical colleagues.

  • Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera - If you're ready to take the plunge and become a deep learning wizard, this specialization by Andrew Ng (the Godfather of AI) will guide you through the basics of neural networks, all the way to building your own state-of-the-art models, so you can impress your friends at the next hackathon.

  • The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI - For a more philosophical take on the implications of deep learning, this MIT Technology Review article explores the black box nature of these models and the potential consequences of relying on systems we don't fully understand, perfect for those late-night existential crises after debugging your model for hours on end.

Note: the Developer Dictionary is in Beta. Please direct feedback to

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