Depth-first search is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures by exploring as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. It's like going down a rabbit hole on Wikipedia, clicking the first link on each page you visit until you reach a page with no links, then backtracking to the last page with unvisited links.
"I was trying to debug this recursive function, but I got lost in a depth-first search of Stack Overflow posts and ended up learning about monads in Haskell instead."
"When exploring the file system for hidden Bitcoin wallets, I used a depth-first search approach, because you never know how deep the conspiracy goes, man."
Depth-First Search Algorithm Explained with Python Code Examples: This freeCodeCamp article provides a beginner-friendly explanation of depth-first search, complete with Python code examples and visualizations.
Depth-First Search (DFS) Visualized: If you prefer watching videos, this YouTube video by Computerphile offers a clear and concise visual explanation of how depth-first search works.
Depth First Search or DFS for a Graph: For a more in-depth look at depth-first search, this GeeksforGeeks article covers the algorithm, its implementation in C++, and its time and space complexity.
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