Event loop is the secret sauce that keeps your JavaScript code running smoothly, like a well-oiled machine in a factory churning out widgets. It's the heart of the JavaScript runtime, constantly pumping life into your code and keeping things moving along, even if that means occasionally getting stuck in an infinite loop and bringing the whole factory to a grinding halt.
I was up all night debugging an issue with the event loop in our Node.js server - I think I saw the face of God in my coffee cup around 3am.
The new hire kept asking questions about the event loop in the middle of our sprint planning meeting - I had to resist the urge to tell them to just go read the MDN docs and let us get back to arguing about story points.
An Introduction to the Event Loop in JavaScript - A brief overview of how the event loop works in JavaScript, for those who want to dip their toes in without getting too overwhelmed.
The Node.js Event Loop: Not So Single Threaded - A deep dive video into the inner workings of the event loop in Node.js, for those who enjoy torturing themselves with the intricacies of asynchronous programming.
Concurrency model and the event loop - The official MDN docs on the event loop, for those who want to go straight to the source and risk getting lost in the labyrinth of web documentation.
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