Fibonacci sequence

Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, usually starting with 0 and 1. It's like the Agile methodology of number sequences - it delivers numbers in small, iterative chunks that build on each other, but without the daily stand-up meetings.

How to use it in a sentence

  • "I was going to refactor that legacy codebase, but then I got distracted trying to implement a Fibonacci sequence generator in a single line of code using reduce and lambda functions."

  • "When the PM asked me to estimate how many story points the new feature would take, I just started reciting numbers from the Fibonacci sequence until they told me to stop."

If you actually want to learn more...

  • Tidy Simulation of Feller's Coin-Tossing Puzzle in R: David Robinson, the Director of Data Science at Heap, explores the probability of coin-toss sequences without streaks of a certain length using higher-order Fibonacci sequences. Read more

  • Finding the Best Rational Approximation to a Decimal Number: John D. Cook provides an algorithm to convert decimal numbers into close fractional approximations, constrained by a maximum denominator size. While not directly related to the Fibonacci sequence, it's a neat tool for your numerical toolbox. Read more

  • Extensive Programming Language and Computational Tool Resources: Paul Graham, the OG startup guy, compiled a huge list of resources related to Lisp, Scheme, and other programming languages and tools. It's like a Fibonacci sequence of useful links that keeps growing. Read more

Note: the Developer Dictionary is in Beta. Please direct feedback to

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