Final is a keyword in many programming languages used to define a variable, method, or class that cannot be changed or overridden once it has been initialized. It's like getting a tattoo on your face - once it's there, you're stuck with it forever (or at least until you get a new face from Neuralink).
"I'm going to make this variable final so that no junior developer can screw it up later and bring down our whole system like they did at Twitter."
"I wanted to override this method, but the original developer made it final. Guess I'll have to fork the whole damn library and maintain it myself, like everything else in this legacy codebase from hell."
Experiment Interpretation and Extrapolation - This article dives into how to properly interpret and extrapolate results from experiments, including how to handle selection of treatments and metrics. A must-read before you ship that new feature and claim it increased engagement by 1000%.
Find the best rational fraction approximation to a decimal number - For when you absolutely, positively need to represent that irrational number as a fraction in your final constants. Your CS professor would be proud.
Resources for Lisp programming - A handy collection of resources if you want to go final old-school and write your next project in Lisp. May God have mercy on your soul.
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