Geometric mean

Geometric mean is a type of average that indicates the central tendency or typical value of a set of numbers by calculating the nth root of the product of n numbers. It's commonly used in situations where the data has a wide range of values or when the data is not normally distributed, like calculating average growth rates or finding a representative value for a set of numbers that have different scales.

How to use it in a sentence

  • "I was trying to calculate the average growth rate of our startup's user base, but then I remembered that the geometric mean is better suited for this since the growth has been exponential, not linear. Time to dust off those old math skills!"

  • "When comparing the performance of different computer systems, using the arithmetic mean of benchmark scores can be misleading due to outliers. The geometric mean provides a more accurate representation of overall performance, much like how the 'average' tech bro's coding skills are often exaggerated."

If you actually want to learn more...

  • Find the best rational fraction approximation to a decimal number: This handy tool helps you convert pesky decimal numbers into their closest rational fraction form, perfect for when you need to explain complex concepts to non-technical folks or just want to show off your math prowess.

  • Pythagorean triangle approximation: Ever find yourself in a situation where you need to quickly find a Pythagorean triangle that closely matches the angles of a given right triangle? Of course you have! This tool has got you covered.

  • Details for computing distance from longitude and latitude: Planning your next tech conference trip? Use this guide to calculate the distance between two geographical points based on their latitude and longitude coordinates. Just don't forget to pack your laptop and a healthy dose of sarcasm.

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