Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system used by programmers to represent values more concisely than decimal. It uses the digits 0-9 and the letters A-F, because 16 symbols are needed and programmers are too lazy to invent new numerals.
I was up until 3AM last night trying to debug an issue with some hexadecimal color codes in our new UI - I kept mixing up my As, Cs and Fs!
My coworker tried to be clever by obfuscating some IP addresses as hexadecimal in the codebase - good thing I'm fluent in nerd and could decode his l33t skills.
Find the best rational fraction approximation to a decimal number - For when you need to convert between hexadecimal, decimal, and fractions, and impress your boss with your math prowess.
Radix (base) conversion - An online calculator that lets you convert numbers between bases, for those times you're juggling hexadecimal, octal, and other exotic numbering systems.
Eight bit posit numbers - A handy reference table mapping 8-bit patterns to their decimal and fractional equivalents, useful for when you're swimming in a sea of hexadecimal soup.
Note: the Developer Dictionary is in Beta. Please direct feedback to skye@statsig.com.