Inner join is a SQL operation used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them. It's like the Tinder of the database world - only showing matches between tables that have a common interest (key).
I tried to inner join the "employees" and "departments" tables to get a list of everyone's name and what department they're in, but I accidentally wiped out half the database - guess that's why they call it a "destructive" join!
The new hire was tasked with writing a query to inner join the "customers" and "orders" tables to analyze purchasing behavior, but they spent so long trying to figure out the syntax that the company went bankrupt before they finished.
A Beginner's Guide to SQL Joins - This article provides a great introduction to SQL joins, including inner joins, with clear examples and explanations.
What is an Inner Join? When and How to Use It - dives deeper into inner joins, contrasting them with outer joins and providing use cases for when an inner join is most appropriate.
SQL Joins Explained - offers an extensive guide on SQL joins, with a whole section dedicated to inner joins and how they work in MySQL specifically.
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