Input stream is a data source that provides a sequence of bytes, allowing programs to read and process data incrementally as it becomes available. It's a fundamental concept in programming, enabling software to handle data that may be too large to fit in memory all at once, such as reading a file or receiving network packets.
I need to optimize this input stream processing code - it's taking forever to churn through these gigabytes of log data from our last Kubernetes deployment.
When the intern asked me to explain input streams, I just rolled my eyes and sent them a link to the Java IO docs - as if I have time to play Professor while trying to ship this new microservice by the deadline!
The Difference Between Streams and Iterables in Java 8 - A quick overview of the key differences between the Stream API and Iterables in Java 8, with code samples.
Intro to Streams in Java 8 - A more in-depth tutorial on using the Stream API in Java 8, covering common operations and use cases.
Kafka, Samza, and the Unix Philosophy of Distributed Data - This article explores applying classic Unix design principles to modern distributed stream processing systems like Kafka and Samza.
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