Integer division is the kind of division you do when you don't care about the remainder or anything after the decimal point. It's like when your PM asks for an estimate in days instead of hours - they don't want to hear about the nitty gritty details, they just want a whole number they can put in their Gantt chart.
I tried to divide these two numbers but I got a compiler error because I used integer division like a noob instead of casting them to floats first.
I was doing some integer division in our billing system and accidentally charged a customer $99 instead of $98.97. I guess that's just another donation to the company pizza party fund!
If you're a glutton for punishment, you can read about how to find the best rational fraction approximation to a decimal number. It's like integer division's more precise but annoying cousin.
If you ever need to convert numbers between different bases (and who doesn't?), you can use this radix (base) conversion calculator. It's more fun than watching paint dry, but not by much.
And if you really want to impress your friends at parties, you can memorize this list of eight bit posit numbers. Just don't blame me when you're standing alone by the punch bowl.
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