JavaScript library is a collection of pre-written code that provides useful functionality, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time you need to do something. It's like having a bunch of Lego blocks that you can snap together to build your app, instead of molding each piece from clay yourself.
I was going to build that date picker from scratch, but then I found this JavaScript library that already does it, so I guess I'll just play Fortnite instead.
My pointy-haired boss keeps asking why everything takes so long. I tried to explain how long it takes to evaluate JavaScript libraries to make sure they don't bloat the bundle size, but he fell asleep halfway through.
Micro Frontends - This article dives into the challenges around styling and shared component libraries when using micro frontends, which are often built using different JavaScript libraries.
Workflows of Refactoring - Refactoring is an important practice to keep a codebase maintainable over time, including when introducing or updating JavaScript libraries. This tag page collects several useful articles on refactoring workflows.
Front-End - The front-end tag explores many topics relevant to front-end development, including choosing and using JavaScript libraries effectively in modern web applications.
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