Jinja is a powerful templating engine for Python that enables you to generate dynamic HTML, XML, or other markup formats that are returned to the user via an HTTP response. It's often used with web frameworks like Flask or Django, allowing you to separate your application logic from your presentation layer.
"I need to render this data in a web page, so I'll use Jinja templates to generate the HTML dynamically."
"We're building a new feature in our Flask app, so make sure to update the Jinja templates to display the new data fields."
Jinja Template Designer Documentation: The official guide on how to author Jinja templates, covering syntax, variables, control structures, and more. A must-read for anyone getting started with Jinja.
Flask Tutorial - Rendering Templates: This part of the official Flask tutorial shows how to render Jinja templates in the context of building a blogging application. It's a good practical example of using Jinja in a real project.
Jinja2 Tutorial - An Introduction to Template Development: A beginner-friendly guide that walks through the basics of Jinja templating with clear examples. Useful if you're new to the concept of templating engines in general.
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