JSF (JavaServer Faces) is a Java framework that helps you build web apps using reusable UI components and managed beans. It's like the Java equivalent of React, except it's been around since 2004 and has more XML than a Stack Overflow post.
I was going to use JSF (JavaServer Faces) for my new web app, but then I remembered I wanted to actually ship something this decade.
My boss keeps talking about modernizing our JSF (JavaServer Faces) app, but I think he just discovered React and wants to sound hip.
Ruby on Rails vs. Java Enterprise - A classic post comparing the cultures and tradeoffs between Ruby on Rails and Java EE web frameworks. It's old but the themes still apply.
Data Fetching Patterns in Single-Page Applications - Useful patterns for efficiently fetching data in SPAs, which you'll need regardless of whether you go with JSF (JavaServer Faces) or a more modern framework.
Web Development - A collection of articles on various web development topics and best practices from the always insightful Martin Fowler.
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