Kerberos is an authentication protocol that uses tickets to allow nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. It's like having a bouncer at a club who checks your ID before letting you in, except instead of a fake ID from your older brother, you have a cryptographically secure ticket from a trusted third party.
I was trying to debug this issue with our Kerberos setup, but I kept getting lost in the acronyms. It's like trying to read a bowl of alphabet soup - KDC, TGT, TGS, AS, SPN... I think I need a decoder ring.
Our new hire was struggling to understand Kerberos, so I told them to imagine it like a game of "Mother May I" - you have to ask permission from the Key Distribution Center before you can take any actions. Except instead of advancing 3 baby steps, you get a ticket to access network resources.
Preventing Key Theft at Passwords15: This paper by Martin Kleppmann and Conrad Irwin proposes a method to rate-limit password guesses on stolen key material, slowing down offline attacks and facilitating easy key revocation.
How to do distributed locking: In this article, Martin Kleppmann critiques the Redlock algorithm, arguing that it is not safe enough for critical locking purposes and recommending alternatives like ZooKeeper for situations where correctness is crucial.
Kerberos: The Network Authentication Protocol: The official MIT Kerberos website provides extensive documentation, guides, and resources for those looking to dive deep into the protocol.
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