Library is a collection of pre-written code, packaged up for reuse by other developers. It's like getting hand-me-down clothes from an older sibling, except these clothes are actually useful and make you look good in front of your tech friends.
I was struggling with date parsing in my Node.js app, but then I found the Moment.js library and now I'm a date-formatting rockstar.
My code was a mess until I discovered the React library - now my UI is so clean and modular, I almost don't recognize it.
Presentation Domain Data Layering: This article dives into the concept of separating your application into presentation, domain logic, and data access layers. It's like organizing your closet by shirt type, so you can easily find what you need without digging through a pile of clothes.
Polyglot Persistence: Neal Ford's idea of using multiple languages in an application is extended to databases in this article. It suggests considering alternatives to relational databases for new enterprise applications, because sometimes you need more than just a hammer in your toolbox.
Published Interface: This piece emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between public and external class interfaces. It's like having a public and private Instagram account - you gotta keep 'em separated for your own sanity.
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