Linker is a program that takes object files generated by a compiler and combines them into a single executable file, library, or another 'output' file. It resolves symbolic references between object files and assigns final addresses to create an executable program.
I finished writing my C++ code, but when I ran the linker, it threw a bunch of cryptic errors about undefined symbols. I guess I'll be spending my afternoon deciphering linker-speak instead of getting any real work done.
The junior dev couldn't figure out why his code wouldn't compile, so I had to explain to him that he was missing a library and the linker couldn't find the references. These kids think everything magically works like in JavaScript land.
Let the Other 95% of Great Programmers In: This essay argues for the importance of making programming more accessible, using powerful languages like Lisp. It touches on how linkers and other low-level tools can be barriers to entry.
Lisp for Web-Based Applications: Graham discusses the advantages of using Lisp for web development, including its simplicity and flexibility. Understanding linkers and other build tools is less critical in Lisp's interactive development environment.
Redundancy and Power: This article explores the trade-offs between redundancy and power in programming languages. Lower-level languages with manual memory management and linker scripts offer more control but also more complexity compared to higher-level, "redundant" languages.
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