Literal is a value that is expressed as itself rather than as a variable or result of an expression. In programming, literals are often used to represent fixed values such as numbers, strings, or booleans.
I tried to be clever and use the latest JavaScript framework in my code, but it turns out I just needed a literal string to fix the bug.
My coworker keeps insisting we need to use more design patterns in our codebase, but I think a simple literal value would suffice instead of overengineering everything.
Literal and Figurative Language - This article from Paul Graham's Lisp resources explains the difference between literal and figurative language in programming.
Literal Collections - Martin Fowler's DSL Patterns catalog describes how literal collections like lists and maps can be used to represent expressions in domain-specific languages.
The Literal Dynamic - This academic paper explores how literal values can enable dynamic behavior in programming languages, with examples in Lisp dialects.
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