Date of slack thread: 4/23/24
Anonymous: Hi folks, I had a feature request to float here – wondering if it would be possible to flag likely misconfigurations in feature gate rules to help prevent accidental errors. For example, setting up a rule that checks if Unit ID is “Any of” an empty list but has a non-zero Split % seems very likely to be a bug rather than an intentional configuration.
Tore (Statsig): Excellent feedback, thanks for sharing. We had even talked about not letting you specify an empty “any of” values regardless of split percentage (given is null or is not null is a separate operator).
Tore (Statsig): Thinking a bit more, it would still split 50/50 based on the id type of the gate (which could be different than the criteria here). So I’m not sure the rollout percentage is necessarily a misconfiguration. When you did this, what were you expecting to happen?