Algolia Startup Program

Wed Jun 26 2024

Algolia Startup Program

Program overview

Algolia is a powerful search and discovery platform that helps businesses deliver fast, relevant search results to their users. The Algolia Startup Program is designed to support early-stage companies by providing access to Algolia's technology at a discounted rate. Eligible startups can take advantage of free credits, education resources, deals and credits from partners, education resources, and more.


To qualify for Algolia's Startup Program, your company must meet the following criteria:

  • Less than 3 years old

  • Less than $5M in funding

  • For new Algolia customers only

What is included?

Startups participating in the Algolia Startup Program gain access to:

  • $10,000 monthly credit for up to 1 year

  • World class support

  • Deals/credits from partners

  • Early access to new Algolia features

  • Education resources (full resources of Algolia Academy)

  • A chance to be featured in our blogs and video series

Application and Use Cases

Algolia's Startup Program offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • E-commerce search solutions that drive increased conversions: Algolia enables startups to implement powerful search and discovery experiences—boosting customer engagement, satisfaction, and ultimately, sales.

  • Media companies use Algolia to power real-time, relevant content discovery: By leveraging Algolia's search capabilities, media startups can ensure their users find the most pertinent articles, videos, or podcasts—keeping them engaged and coming back for more.

  • Marketplaces and classified sites rely on Algolia for fast, intuitive search experiences: Startups in these sectors can utilize Algolia to help their users quickly locate the products, services, or listings they need—enhancing the overall user experience and fostering greater marketplace liquidity.

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