Atlassian for Startups

Tue Sep 10 2024

Atlassian for Startups

Program overview

Atlassian offers a suite of software tools designed to help teams collaborate and manage projects more effectively. The Atlassian for Startups program provides discounted access to these tools, tailored specifically for startups at various stages of growth. Depending on the startup's maturity and needs, there are different versions of the program with specific eligibility criteria and benefits.


To qualify for the Atlassian Startup program, your company must meet the following criteria:

  • your company is not an existing Atlassian paid customer

  • VC-funded or associated with a partner accelerator

  • Have not raised more than US$10 million in funding

What is included?

Startups participating in the Atlassian for Startups program gain access to:

  • 50 seats free for 12 months free

  • Jura Product Discovery Standard - Discovery and idea prioritization for tech founders/product managers; up to 10 creator seats and unlimited contributor seats

  • Jira Premium - Sprint planning, agile development, async collaboration; up to 50 seats

  • Confluence Premium - Startup templates (business plans, competitive, team health, etc) and knowledge management; up to 50 seats

  • Compass - Tracking service health/delivery performance, software templates for engineer onboarding, catalog as teams scale; up to 50 full user seats and unlimited basic user seats

  • Bitbucket - SCM + CI/CD pipelines; up to 50 seats

  • Loom - Screen recording tool with advanced video editing; up to 50 seats

Atlassian for Startups offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Streamlining project management and documentation: A tech startup leveraged Jira Software and Confluence to optimize their workflows, ensuring seamless collaboration and centralized knowledge management.

  • Effective product launch management: An e-commerce company utilized Trello from Atlassian to coordinate their product launches, enabling clear task assignment, progress tracking, and cross-functional communication.

  • Enhancing source code management and team collaboration: A mobile app development firm integrated Bitbucket into their development process—facilitating efficient version control, code reviews, and collaborative coding practices.

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