Cloudflare for Startups

Wed May 29 2024

Cloudflare for Startups

Program overview

Cloudflare is a leading web performance and security company that offers a comprehensive startup program designed to support new businesses in their growth journey. The program provides eligible startups with access to Cloudflare's suite of products and resources, empowering them to build secure, efficient, and scalable online presence. By leveraging Cloudflare's expertise and infrastructure, startups can focus on their core business while ensuring their websites and applications are protected and optimized for performance.


To qualify for the Cloudflare for Startups program, your startup must meet the following criteria:

  • Belong to an approved accelerator

  • Funded up to pre-series B

What is included?

Startups participating in the Cloudflare for Startups program gain access to:

  • 1 year of free service including but not limited to the following:

    • Unmetered mitigation of DDoS attacks with network prioritization

    • Global CDN

    • 100% Uptime

    • Role-based account access

    • Advanced web application firewall (WAF) with 50 custom rulesets

    • 24/7/365 Email Support

Application and Use Cases

Cloudflare for Startups offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Handling sudden traffic spikes: Startups can leverage Cloudflare's global network to manage unexpected surges in online traffic during promotional events, product launches, or viral content—ensuring their websites remain accessible and performant.

  • Enhancing security measures: By utilizing Cloudflare's advanced security features, startups can protect sensitive customer data from potential threats such as DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and cyber breaches—providing peace of mind to both the startup and its users.

  • Improving site performance: Cloudflare's content delivery network (CDN) and optimization tools enable startups to significantly reduce their website's load times—leading to improved user experience, higher engagement, and potentially increased conversions.

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