Confluent for Startups

Wed Jun 19 2024

Confluent for Startups

Program overview

Confluent, a leading provider of a real-time data streaming platform, offers a startup program designed to empower emerging businesses with the tools and resources needed to leverage stream processing effectively. The program provides tailored solutions to help startups build scalable data architectures and accelerate their growth. Eligible startups gain access to Confluent Cloud and enterprise features, enabling them to develop and scale applications efficiently.


To qualify for the Confluent for Startups program, your company must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an early-round company looking to scale (i.e., Series B and before with exceptions)

  • Have been founded in the last 5 years

  • Be ready to use the Confluent for Startups credits in the next 12 months

  • Not previously received credits from other active benefit programs from Confluent

  • Not already a Commit customer of Confluent

What is included?

Startups participating in the Confluent for Startups gain access to:

  • One year of Confluent Cloud with free product credits

  • Expert technical support including $500 in developer support, training credits, and bi-weekly office hours

  • Get access to an exclusive community of other startup program members

Application and Use Cases

Confluent for Startups offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Real-time data streaming for dynamic pricing models—enabling startups to adjust prices based on up-to-the-minute market conditions and customer behavior

  • Stream processing for instant customer data updates: empowering startups to deliver personalized experiences by processing customer data in real-time

  • Scalable architecture solutions for growing startups; allowing startups to build systems that can handle increasing data volumes and user traffic without compromising performance

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