Intercom for Startups

Mon Aug 19 2024

Intercom for Startups

Program overview

Intercom offers a comprehensive communication platform designed to help businesses connect with customers through personalized, messenger-based experiences. The startup program specifically caters to early-stage companies, providing tools and resources to enhance customer interaction and support. Eligible startups can choose from two distinct plans: Early Stage and Growth, each tailored to different stages of a startup's lifecycle.


To qualify for Intercom's Early Stage Program, your startup must meet the following criteria:

  • Up to $1M in funding and less than 2 years old

  • Fewer than 5 employees

  • Not currently an Intercom customer

What is included?

Startups participating in the Intercom for Startups program gain access to:

  • 90% off for the 1st year, from $65/mo, 50% off for the 2nd year, 25% off for the 3rd year

  • Exclusive deals on startup tools with credits and discounts worth $100K

  • Access to Early Stage Academy with deep-dive courses led by Intercom experts

  • Join the Intercom Community to connect with Intercom customers and partners

Application and Use Cases

Intercom for Startups offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Scaling customer support without increasing headcount—effectively managing a growing user base by leveraging Intercom's powerful tools and automation capabilities. Startups can provide exceptional support experiences while maintaining lean teams.

  • Driving engagement and converting leads through targeted messaging campaigns: Intercom's automation features enable early-stage companies to create personalized, timely messages that resonate with their audience. This helps nurture relationships, boost engagement, and ultimately drive conversions.

  • Gathering valuable customer insights to inform product development; by engaging with users directly within the app or website, startups can gain a deeper understanding of their customers' needs, preferences, and pain points. These insights can then be used to make data-driven decisions and shape the product roadmap.

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