MongoDB for Startups

Fri Apr 19 2024

MongoDB for Startups

Program overview

MongoDB offers a comprehensive startup program designed to help early-stage companies leverage its powerful database technology. The program provides eligible startups with access to MongoDB's products and services, tailored to their specific needs as they scale. Startups can benefit from a range of resources, including credits, support, and networking opportunities, to accelerate their growth at various stages of their lifecycle.


To qualify for MongoDB's startup program, companies must meet the following criteria:

  • Series A or earlier

  • Startups building a product or service (dev shops, consultants, or marketing agencies are not eligible)

  • Companies that have not previously been part of MongoDB for Startups

  • A live, functioning website

  • A valid company profile on either of these sites, and a direct association with the person who is applying

What is included?

Startups participating in the MongoDB for Startups program gain access to:

  • Free credit for MongoDb products, including Atlas Database, Atlas Search, Atlas App Services, and more, to supercharge your data infrastructure

  • Expert technical advice with dedicated one-on-one sessions that offer personalized recommendations to add scale and solve problems

  • Engage with MongoDB’s diverse community of startups and developers through events and co-marketing initiatives

Application and Use Cases

MongoDB for Startups offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Fintech startups can utilize MongoDB to handle real-time transaction data—enhancing their data processing capabilities and enabling faster, more efficient financial services.

  • E-commerce platforms can leverage MongoDB's flexible data schema to create personalized customer experiences: tailoring product recommendations, promotions, and content to individual user preferences.

  • Health tech companies can implement MongoDB to securely store and process large volumes of sensitive patient data; ensuring compliance with industry regulations while enabling advanced analytics and insights.

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