Stytch Startup Program

Sat May 04 2024

Stytch Startup Program

Program overview

Stytch is a platform designed to streamline authentication processes, enhancing security and user experience. The Stytch Startup Program is tailored to assist startups in integrating state-of-the-art authentication solutions. Eligible startups can benefit from free access to pro features and $120K in credits..


To qualify for the Stytch Startup Program, your company must meet the following criteria:

  • Venture-backed with less than $5M in funding raised

  • Less than 3 years since incorporation

  • Not an existing paid Stytch customer

  • Haven't redeemed a previous startup deal

What is included?

Startups participating in the Stytch Startup Program gain access to:

  • Pro Features for Free: get a free year of Stytch Pro, including custom email domains, full HTML control of emails, and SMS provider failover to ensure your OTPs get delivered, fast

  • $120K in Credits: Kickstart your journey with $10K of additional credits per month (up to $120K per year) to spend on Monthly Active Users, Organizations, or M2M Tokens (~200K MAUs free)

  • Single Sign-On Included: Get 3 included SSO connections for multi-tenant B2B apps, to easily add SAML or OIDS SSO. Don't lose an Enterprise deal because SSO is still on the roadmap

  • Email support and access to Slack and forum, staffed by the Stytch Developer Success team and community members

Application and Use Cases

Stytch Startup Program offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Passwordless authentication solutions that enhance user experience and boost customer retention

  • Flexible APIs and SDKs to seamlessly integrate authentication into web and mobile applications

  • Comprehensive security features like biometric authentication and magic links to protect user accounts

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