Timescale for Startups

Fri Jun 14 2024

Timescale for Startups

Program overview

Timescale offers a powerful time-series SQL database built for scalability and complex querying of time-stamped data. The Timescale startup program provides support and resources to help eligible startups effectively leverage this technology. Startups can benefit from credits, technical support, and co-marketing opportunities, with eligibility criteria in place to ensure the program is a good fit for their needs.


To qualify for Timescale's startup program, your company must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be affiliated with a Timescale partner

  • Raised less than $5m

  • Incorporated less than two years ago

  • Not available on the Enterprise plan

  • Available to new customers only

  • existing customers: talk to us for eligibility

  • Available only on AWS at the moment

  • Eligibility at the discretion of Timescale

What is included?

Startups participating in the Timescale for Startups program gain access to an impressive array of benefits:

  • Get 50% off your first year, up to $100k

Application and Use Cases

Timescale for Startups offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Real-time analytics for IoT devices—enabling startups to collect, store, and analyze vast amounts of time-series data generated by sensors and connected devices, facilitating data-driven decision-making and actionable insights.

  • Monitoring and diagnostics for operational technology: empowering startups to monitor and diagnose issues in real-time across various industries, such as manufacturing, energy, and transportation, ensuring optimal performance and minimizing downtime.

  • Financial data analysis for market trends; allowing startups to analyze historical and real-time financial data, identify patterns, and make informed predictions about market trends, risk management, and investment opportunities.

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