Vonage for Startups

Fri Jul 05 2024

Vonage for Startups

Program overview

Vonage is a cloud communications provider that offers APIs for SMS, voice, phone verifications, and video services. The Vonage for Startups program aims to support emerging businesses by providing them with enhanced communication capabilities. Eligible startups can access Vonage's APIs, credits, and technical support to integrate communication solutions into their services.


To qualify for the Vonage for Startups program, your company must meet the following criteria:

  • Early-stage (pre-seed - Series A)

  • Founded in last 5 years

  • Have a Vonage API account

  • Not be an existing managed customer

What is included?

Startups participating in the Vonage for Startups program gain access to:

  • Gain access to Vonage technical resources and curated startup content. Learn how to use our APIs and save valuable time.

  • Access to technical support from Vonage's team of experts

  • Utilize our products through a credits package and tailored technical sessions to build your MVP, reach more customers and grow your business

  • Join our community and have the opportunity to engage with other founders, developers, and advocates

Application and Use Cases

Vonage for Startups offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Enhancing security through two-factor authentication using Vonage SMS API—a crucial feature for startups handling sensitive user data.

  • Expanding market reach by integrating Vonage Video API to launch virtual consultation services: a game-changer for startups in the healthcare, education, or professional services sectors.

  • Streamlining customer service operations with Vonage's Voice API; startups can significantly reduce response times and improve customer satisfaction.

Learn more

• Visit https://developer.vonage.com/en/startups for more information • Apply for the program at https://airtable.com/appV8iucSCh8TDzXc/shrTJTvlEU9sbeh9q

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