



Canary Testing

Canary testing is a software testing strategy where a new feature or update is introduced to a small portion of users before its full deployment.

The name draws inspiration from the "canary in a coal mine" concept – miners used canaries as early indicators of danger. Similarly, canary testing involves releasing changes to a limited user group to detect potential issues before impacting the entire user base.

How Canary Testing Works:

  1. Identify the Feature: Choose the new feature or update to test, ranging from minor design tweaks to significant functionality changes.

  2. Select a Subset: Pick a small, representative user subset as the "canary" group. Their experience will guide decisions about the new feature.

  3. Roll Out the Feature: Introduce the new feature to the canary group while other users continue with the existing version.

  4. Monitor and Gather Data: Monitor the canary group closely, gathering data on metrics like error rates, user engagement, and feedback.

  5. Analyze the Results: Examine data to assess if the feature functions as intended. If the canary group encounters no major problems, a broader rollout is likely safe.

  6. Full Rollout or Issue Resolution: If canary testing succeeds, extend the feature to all users. Address any issues identified before proceeding with the full release.

Canary Testing in Context:

Canary testing aligns with continuous delivery pipelines, releasing new software versions to limited users for performance comparison. Unlike A/B testing, which compares different versions, canary testing focuses on reducing risks by testing on a small scale.

Canary Testing and Feature Flags:

Feature flags are useful for canary testing. These toggles enable activating or deactivating features for specific user groups, aiding gradual rollouts and boosting confidence in a feature's success.


While canary testing offers risk management benefits, challenges include selecting representative user subsets and analyzing results, especially for large user bases. Canary testing doesn't eliminate all risk, but aims to mitigate it to an acceptable level.

Remember, canary testing is about prudent risk management rather than eliminating all uncertainty.

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“The beauty is that Statsig allows us to both run experiments, but also track the impact of feature releases.”
Evelina Achilli
Product Growth Manager
“We finally found a product that moves just as fast as we do and have been super impressed with how closely our teams collaborate.”
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Product Engineering Manager
“At OpenAI, we want to iterate as fast as possible. Statsig enables us to grow, scale, and learn efficiently. Integrating experimentation with product analytics and feature flagging has been crucial for quickly understanding and addressing our users' top priorities.”
Dave Cummings
Engineering Manager, ChatGPT
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