Auth0 For Startups

Sat Jul 13 2024

Auth0 For Startups

Program overview

Auth0 provides comprehensive identity management solutions designed to eliminate the complexities of authentication and authorization for apps and services. The Auth0 startup program aims to support emerging businesses by offering scalable identity solutions at a startup-friendly cost. Eligibility criteria apply, ensuring that the program benefits startups at the right stage of their growth.


To qualify for the Auth0 for Startups program, your startup must meet the following criteria:

  • Venture-backed with less than $5M in funding

  • Less than $1M in annual recurring revenue

  • Less than two years old from the data of incorporation

What is included?

Startups participating in the Auth0 For Startups program gain access to:

  • 100k monthly active users

  • 5 enterprise connections

  • many more features including all those in the B2B professional plan

Application and Use Cases

Auth0 For Startups offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Secure customer onboarding and identity verification for fintech startups—enhancing user trust and ensuring compliance with financial regulations.

  • Personalized user experiences and streamlined identity management for e-commerce platforms: driving increased sales and customer retention through tailored interactions.

  • HIPAA-compliant patient access to health records within healthcare apps; safeguarding sensitive data while empowering users to manage their well-being.

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