Bootstrap Startup Program

Fri Apr 12 2024 Bootstrap Startup Program

Program overview offers a comprehensive communication platform that enables businesses to automate personalized messages across email, SMS, and push notifications. The Bootstrap Startup Program is designed to help early-stage startups scale by providing them with access to's features at a reduced cost. Eligibility is geared towards startups that are bootstrapped or externally funded but still in the early stages of their business.


To qualify for's Bootstrap Startup Program, your startup must meet the following criteria:

  • business has raised less than $2 million in total funding

  • contact lists can not be purchased, they must be acquired through traditional business methods

  • your business is currently not and has never been a customer of

What is included?

Startups participating in the Bootstrap Startup Program gain access to:

  • Startup Basic

    • Free for 12-months

    • Includes everything you need to start sending messages to your customers

      • Up to 12,000 users

      • Customer Community Support

      • $1,800 value

  • Startup + Plus

    • $100 per month for 12-months

    • Includes everything you need to start sending messages to your customer

    • Up to 100,000 users

    • Limited technical support

    • 1-hour onboarding/planning and call with the Customer Success Team

    • Customer Community Support

    • $12,000 Value

Application and Use Cases's Bootstrap Startup Program offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Automating cart abandonment reminders: One bootstrapped e-commerce startup leveraged to send timely, personalized reminders to customers who left items in their shopping carts—resulting in a 20% increase in conversion rates.

  • Enhancing onboarding experiences: A SaaS company utilized the platform to create tailored onboarding email sequences, which helped reduce churn by 15% within the first three months of implementation.

  • Optimizing lead nurturing campaigns: Startups can harness's powerful segmentation and targeting features to deliver highly relevant content to leads at various stages of the funnel—fostering stronger relationships and driving more conversions.

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