Gitpod for Startups

Sun Jun 30 2024

Gitpod for Startups

Program overview

Gitpod is a cloud-based development platform that automates the setup of development environments, making them ephemeral and consistent. The Gitpod for Startups program helps early-stage companies access Gitpod's services at a reduced cost. Eligible startups can benefit from enhanced collaboration, quicker onboarding times, and a more efficient development cycle.


To qualify for Gitpod's startup program, your company must meet the following criteria:

  • Have raised no more than $10M in funding

  • Be founded less than 3 years ago

  • Have not been on any paid plan yet

What is included?

Startups participating in the Gitpod for Startups program gain access to:

  • Use Gitpod at a 50% discount for at least 1 year with unlimited users and usage

  • If your startup is affiliated with an approved VC, incubator or accelerator we will extend the program from 1 year to 2 years

  • Engage with, learn from and share best practices with other startups that use Gitpod

Application and Use Cases

Gitpod for Startups offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Accelerating go-to-market strategies by reducing development environment setup times from hours to minutes—a critical advantage for fast-moving startups.

  • Enhancing remote onboarding and collaboration for distributed development teams, enabling startups to tap into global talent pools and maintain productivity across time zones.

  • Streamlining the process of spinning up fully-configured, ready-to-code development environments for each task, empowering developers to focus on writing code rather than wrestling with tooling.

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