Neo4j Aura for Startups

Tue Apr 09 2024

Neo4j Aura for Startups

Program overview

Neo4j Aura for Startups is a program designed to support early-stage companies by providing them with access to Neo4j's graph database technology. This program helps startups build and scale their applications using Neo4j's powerful database solutions. Eligible startups can benefit from discounted or free access to Neo4j Aura and community support.


To qualify for the Neo4j Startup Program, your company must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a new customer of Neo4j

  • Have not received more than $3 million in annual revenue

  • 50 or fewer employees

  • Willingness to share your story with the Neo4j community

What is included?

Startups participating in the Neo4j Aura for Startups gain access to:

  • Neo4j Enterprise for 3 machines in production, 3 in test or staging and 6 in dec

    • Each machine can have up to 256GB of RAM and 24 cores

  • Access to community forums for support

Application and Use Cases

Neo4j Aura for Startups offers a wide range of applications for startups, including:

  • Real-time recommendation engines: Startups can leverage Neo4j Aura to build powerful recommendation systems that provide personalized suggestions to users based on their preferences and behavior.

  • Fraud detection and prevention: Emerging tech companies can utilize Neo4j Aura to identify and prevent fraudulent activities by analyzing complex relationships within their data.

  • Complex data analysis in healthcare: Healthcare startups can integrate Neo4j Aura to manage and analyze patient data, uncovering valuable insights and improving patient care through advanced data management techniques.

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