Statsig x Vercel

Native Feature Flags and Experiments for Vercel Developers

Launch feature flags and experiments directly from your Vercel dashboard - no permission management required, just high performance at scale

Vercel-native feature flags and experiments

Create and manage flags and experiments directly from your Vercel dashboard. Permissions, secrets, and project access are automatically synced between Statsig and Vercel - giving you more time to code
Vercel-native feature flags and experiments

Built for performance with Edge Config syncing

Edge Config syncing keeps your Vercel projects automatically synced—no network requests to Statsig. Get sub-millisecond flag evaluations and near-zero latency, even at scale
Built for performance with Edge Config syncing

Compatible with Statsig SDK and Flags SDK

Initialize with Statsig’s SDK for experiments and advanced features or Vercel’s Flags SDK for seamless edge-based flagging in Next.js. You can also use both - optimize for speed, flexibility, and interoperability
Compatible with Statsig SDK and Flags SDK

Infinitely scalable and incredibly affordable

Statsig processes trillions of gate and config checks every day - so a few more can’t hurt. On Statsig’s Free and Pro tier, you get billions of gate and config checks for free, letting you save money for the stuff that matters
Infinitely scalable and incredibly affordable

Get started in <60,000ms

Getting started is a breeze. Zero to flags and experiments in under 60 seconds
Install the integration

Install the integration

Search for Statsig on the Vercel Marketplace and walk through the setup flow
Setup the SDKs

Setup the SDKs

Use the Statsig SDK, Vercel Flags SDK, or both - whichever fits your needs
Deploy and launch features

Deploy and launch features

Deploy your app, configure features, and run experiments — all from your Vercel dashboard.

Want help getting set up?

Reach out to our team to get a deep dive on how to use Statsig with Vercel. We'll have you shipping faster and safer in no time