Vercel-native feature flags and experiments
Create and manage flags and experiments directly from your Vercel dashboard. Permissions, secrets, and project access are automatically synced between Statsig and Vercel - giving you more time to code
Built for performance with Edge Config syncing
Edge Config syncing keeps your Vercel projects automatically synced—no network requests to Statsig. Get sub-millisecond flag evaluations and near-zero latency, even at scale
Compatible with Statsig SDK and Flags SDK
Initialize with Statsig’s SDK for experiments and advanced features or Vercel’s Flags SDK for seamless edge-based flagging in Next.js. You can also use both - optimize for speed, flexibility, and interoperability
Infinitely scalable and incredibly affordable
Statsig processes trillions of gate and config checks every day - so a few more can’t hurt. On Statsig’s Free and Pro tier, you get billions of gate and config checks for free, letting you save money for the stuff that matters