Server Core is a full rewrite of our Server SDKs with a shared, performance-focused Rust library at the core - and bindings to each other language you'd like to deploy it in. Today, we're launching Python Server Core (Python Core).
Python Core leverages the natural speed of a core written in Rust - but also benefits from all of our latest optimizations in a single place. Out initial benchmarking suggests that Python Server Core can evaluate 5-10x faster than our native Python SDK. As an added benefit, Python Core's refresh mechanism is a background process, meaning it never needs to take the GIL. Using Python core with our Forward Proxy has even more benefits, as changes can be streamed, leading to 1/10th of the CPU intensity.
Python Server Core is in open beta begging today, see our docs to get started. In the coming months, we'll ship Server Core in Node, PHP, and more - if you're looking forward to a new language, let us know in Slack.