We've made user journeys simpler to build and easier to read. You now have more options for focusing your analysis, with clearer controls and easier-to-read charts.
What You Can Do Now
Choose between including specific events or excluding unwanted ones in your analysis
Control visualization density by setting the number of paths to show at each step
When expanding journey sections, property names and values are easier to read and understand
How It Works
Instead of just percentage thresholds, you can now specify exactly how many paths you want to see at each step. For example, show just the top 5 most common paths to keep your analysis focused. We've also improved the layout when you dig into user properties, making the information clearer at a glance.
Impact on Your Analysis
These changes make it easier to find what matters:
Build your analysis the way that works best for you - by including or excluding events. This makes it easier to build charts that aren't noisy or cluttered.
Keep your charts focused by showing only the most important paths
Spot patterns quickly with clearer property labels
Ready to try it out? Head to the User Journey section to see these changes.