Morgan Scalzo
Community and Event Manager, Statsig

(Video) Statsig's Product Growth Forum Recap

Tue Aug 15 2023

Statsig had the pleasure of partnering with the hosts and founders of the Acquired Podcast to hold the first-ever Product Growth Forum in San Francisco.

Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal led a great discussion with our panel of CxO leaders to discuss everything from tactics for rapid product growth to what actions to take to ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of products. If you weren’t able to make the live event you can catch the full recording below!

A special thank you to our panelists and everyone who was able to attend the live event.

David Rosenthal, Co-Founder and Co-Host, Acquired Podcast (Moderator)

Ben Gilbert, Co-Founder and Co-Host, Acquired Podcast (Moderator)

Vijaye Raji, CEO and Founder, Statsig

Karandeep Anand, CPO, Brex

Laura Jones, CMO, Instacart

Kris Rasmussen, CTO, Figma

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