Rolling Deployment vs Blue Green Deployment - Which is right for you?

Wed Jul 10 2024

At Statsig, we know that deploying code isn't a one-size-fits-all scenario. Rolling deployments and blue-green deployments each offer different benefits and challenges, making it vital to pick the one that suits your team's style. Join us as we break down these strategies, helping you balance downtime, infrastructure needs, and workflow harmony. Ready to find your deployment groove? Let’s get rolling (or switching)!

Understanding rolling deployment

Rolling deployment is a strategy that gradually updates an application across servers or nodes within the production environment. This approach allows for incremental updates, maintaining service availability while different parts of the system transition to the new version.

How it works

In rolling deployment, the update starts with a subset of servers receiving the new version. These servers are monitored, and if no issues are found, the deployment continues in stages until all servers are updated. Load balancers direct traffic to updated instances, ensuring a seamless transition.


Rolling deployment reduces the risk of downtime by updating servers incrementally, ensuring continuous service. It handles incremental changes effectively, allowing new features or improvements to be introduced with minimal disruption. This method also facilitates better monitoring and troubleshooting.


Challenges include the potential mixing of old and new versions, which can lead to compatibility issues. Managing different versions simultaneously adds complexity and requires robust testing and monitoring to ensure smooth functionality. Quick rollback mechanisms are also necessary if issues arise.

Use cases

Rolling deployment is ideal for applications requiring continuous availability, such as large-scale web applications and SaaS platforms. It allows for gradual feature rollouts and real-time performance monitoring, making it effective in microservices architectures where individual services can be updated independently.

Understanding blue-green deployment

Blue-green deployment is a strategy where two identical environments, blue and green, are used to manage releases. One environment (blue) serves the live production traffic, while the other (green) is used to deploy and test the new version of the application.

How it works

In blue-green deployment, traffic is initially directed to the blue environment. The new version is deployed and tested in the green environment. Once the green environment is verified, traffic is switched to it, making it the live environment. The blue environment remains as a backup for quick rollback if needed.


Blue-green deployment ensures zero downtime by allowing seamless switching between environments. It enables quick rollback to the previous version if issues arise, and simplifies version management by keeping only two environments to toggle between.


The primary challenge of blue-green deployment is the higher infrastructure cost due to maintaining two identical environments. This approach also requires meticulous management to keep both environments in sync and ensure they are identical.

Use cases

Blue-green deployment is ideal for scenarios requiring zero downtime and rapid rollback capabilities, such as e-commerce websites and financial services platforms. It is also effective for major updates where thorough testing is necessary before fully switching to the new version, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Key differences between rolling deployment and blue-green deployment

Understanding the key differences between rolling deployment and blue-green deployment helps teams choose the best deployment strategy for their needs, balancing factors like downtime, infrastructure requirements, and compatibility with DevOps practices.

Deployment process

In a rolling deployment, new versions of the application are rolled out gradually across servers or nodes within the production environment. This rolling deployment strategy involves updating a subset of users' nodes at a time until the entire production environment is running the new version.

By contrast, blue-green deployment uses two identical environments: the blue environment runs the current version, while the green environment hosts the new version of the application. Once the new version is verified in the green environment, a load balancer switches traffic from the blue environment to the green environment, making the green environment the live environment.

Downtime and rollback

Blue-green deployment ensures zero downtime by allowing seamless traffic switching between the blue and green environments. If any issues arise with the new release, rolling back to the previous version is as simple as directing traffic back to the blue environment.

Rolling deployment, while minimizing downtime, does not entirely eliminate it since servers are updated incrementally. Rollback in a rolling deployment can be more complex, requiring individual servers to revert to the previous version if the new code causes problems.

Infrastructure requirements

Blue-green deployment requires maintaining two identical environments (blue and green), significantly increasing infrastructure costs. Each environment must handle the production load independently, meaning higher resource allocation and maintenance.

Rolling deployment updates nodes within the same environment gradually, reducing the need for duplicate infrastructure. However, it requires careful management of mixed versions during the update process to ensure functionality and user experience are not compromised.

Complexity and risk

Rolling deployment involves managing incremental changes across the production environment, leading to complexities such as version compatibility issues and the need for robust monitoring. This deployment method is effective for handling microservices and APIs where gradual updates are necessary.

Blue-green deployment simplifies version management by switching between two complete environments, reducing the risk of compatibility issues but increasing the need for precise synchronization and higher resource allocation. Both strategies have their risks, but blue-green deployment offers quicker rollback capabilities, making it suitable for high-stakes updates where zero downtime is critical.

Compatibility with DevOps practices

Both deployment strategies support continuous delivery and integration workflows, but they align differently with DevOps practices. Rolling deployment fits well with incremental, continuous updates and is often used in environments like Kubernetes or ECS, where rolling updates are standard.

The blue-green deployment strategy is particularly suited for scenarios requiring zero downtime and rapid rollback, making it ideal for critical updates in AWS or other cloud environments.

Canary deployments, a subset of rolling deployments, can be used to test new features with a small subset of users before a full rollout. Statsig supports both methods, allowing development teams to choose the deployment strategy that best fits their workflow and risk tolerance, enhancing overall software deployment and user experience.

Choosing the right deployment strategy for your team

Evaluating team needs

Choosing the right deployment strategy begins with evaluating your team's specific needs. Assess risk tolerance, infrastructure capacity, and deployment goals to determine the most suitable approach. Consider the nature of your application, the frequency of updates, and the criticality of minimizing downtime. This assessment will help identify whether rolling deployment, blue-green deployment, or a hybrid approach best aligns with your team's requirements and objectives.

Considerations for rolling deployment

Rolling deployment is ideal for teams that are comfortable with incremental updates and can manage the potential mixing of old and new versions. This strategy allows for gradual rollouts, reducing the risk of widespread issues by updating a subset of nodes at a time. It works well for applications where minor downtime is acceptable and where updates can be deployed without needing a full switch between environments. Teams using microservices, Kubernetes, or ECS may find rolling deployment particularly advantageous due to its compatibility with these environments and its ability to handle continuous delivery effectively.

Considerations for blue-green deployment

Blue-green deployment is suited for teams that prioritize zero downtime and require the ability to roll back quickly in case of issues. This strategy involves maintaining two identical environments and switching traffic between them, ensuring that the live environment is always stable. Blue-green deployment is ideal for applications where even minor downtime can significantly impact user experience, such as e-commerce platforms or financial services. Although it requires higher infrastructure costs, the benefits of seamless updates and rapid rollbacks often outweigh the expenses for critical applications. Teams with robust infrastructure and those using platforms like AWS or Docker may find blue-green deployment particularly effective.

Hybrid approaches

Combining elements of both rolling deployment and blue-green deployment can offer optimal results for some teams. For example, a hybrid approach might involve using blue-green deployment for major releases to ensure zero downtime and quick rollbacks, while using rolling deployment for minor updates and performance improvements. This strategy allows teams to leverage the strengths of both methods, balancing the need for stability with the flexibility of incremental updates. Hybrid approaches can be tailored to specific use cases and workflows, providing a versatile solution that meets diverse deployment needs.

Implementing deployment strategies with Statsig

Statsig provides robust support for both rolling deployment and blue-green deployment, offering tools and features that enhance the management of these deployment strategies. For rolling deployment, Statsig facilitates the gradual rollout of new versions across your production environment, providing real-time monitoring and analytics to track performance and stability. This allows for quick identification and resolution of issues, ensuring a smooth deployment process.

For blue-green deployment, Statsig enables seamless traffic switching between identical environments, ensuring zero downtime and quick rollback capabilities. The platform's comprehensive monitoring and control features enhance deployment processes, offering greater flexibility and reliability. By using Statsig, development teams can achieve more controlled, efficient, and effective software deployments.

Explore how Statsig’s robust deployment tools can enhance your software development process and improve deployment efficiency.

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