Statsig Spotlight #2: Product excellence month

Sun Jan 14 2024

Sid Kumar

Product Marketing, Statsig

Margaret-Ann Seger

Head of Product, Statsig

As product builders, it’s all too easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of customer demands, new product development, and constantly striving to hit OKRs.

Yet, there's immense value in periodically taking a step back to prioritize projects that may not immediately boost growth or add top-line revenue dollars, but instead bolster the foundational aspects of the product that often go under the radar. These are investments that enable long-term customer endearment and success.

For instance, a well-organized menu system can make it easier to introduce new features without overwhelming the user — helping future growth and scalability. Or take cleaning up high-traffic landing spots in your product to optimize for customer value — ensuring that every new product session delivers more value to users, faster. 

With this spirit, we did our own 'Product Excellence Month' leading up to the Holiday Season this year, aiming to kick off 2024 with a rock-solid product foundation on which to build.

Below are some of the investments we made (when you spot these updates in the Console, don’t hesitate to let us know what you think — we love to hear feedback): 

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1. Home tab redesign

We've given the Statsig Home Tab a facelift to highlight the most pressing items when you log into the product.

  • Personalized to-do list: The last thing anyone wants to see is the “99+” number in notifications — how many of those really require your action? Now, you can quickly catch up on the items that require your attention on the console and check them off.

  • More flexible metrics tracker: Now, you can pin any tag to the sidebar (not just the core tag) that you're curious about tracking regularly.

  • Moved velocity charts to a side panel: We moved the velocity charts (used for tracking the number of experiments you are running) to the side panel. This way, they are not always in your face but are available on-demand when you want to track progress.

Home Page Redesign

2. Leaner new left nav

Here is another forward-looking UI change. We've moved Holdouts & Autotune (our implementation of multi-armed bandits) into the Experiments tab — now alongside Experiments and Layers (mutually exclusive experiments).

Our goal in 2024 is to continue building more experimentation types to cater to a broader range of use cases, and we'll keep consolidating these under the umbrella of the Experiments tab.

Leaner Left Nav

3. New filter UI UX

As your team’s library of metrics, experiments, and new feature launches grows on Statsig, being able to organize and easily find the entity you want at any given time becomes crucial. To make this even easier, we’ve invested in leveling up our filter UI/UX, improving both discoverability and usability. We've also introduced operators such as 'any of' and 'all of' for fields like Tags. 

New Filter UI UX

New to Statsig? Read our documentation to get started with shipping your first feature using our platform.

4. Unification of Settings

As more users and teams adopt Statsig, efficient administration becomes increasingly important. Note: You can bring as many users as you'd like into Statsig, given that we don't charge based on the number of seats, allowing everyone across the organization to benefit from experimentation.

We’ve unified the surfaces where your Account Settings, Project Settings, and Organization Settings live into one 'Settings' tab. This change makes admin-related tasks easier to manage from one central spot in the console. 

Project Settings

5. Backend improvements

Not only have we been making UI changes to support our 2024 vision, but we've also shipped key backend projects to make Statsig even more reliable and robust. Key improvements include hardening our infrastructure for bulk database writes and revamping the underlying infrastructure for 'Reviews' to accelerate new feature development. 

Now that we have shipped these features, we are excited to rapidly and confidently expand our suite of capabilities in 2024 and beyond! 

In case you missed it, read our previous Spotlight: Experimentation is a team sport.

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